Root of Evil

Kristopher Henson
2 min readOct 21, 2020

I’ll be honest, money is one of the few things that make me happy anymore. It isn’t for the reasons everyone else has like being able to buy a car or a new video game but the smiles I see on everyone’s face when I buy them stuff. Other people’s happiness is my happiness. I’ve got none of my own so I basically feed off of others happiness to fuel my own. Life beats me down everyday but being able to make others smile is what keeps me moving forward. No one truly understands why money is the root of evil but I can give you a personal reason. Because in relationships, if you don’t have money then you’re a pushover. In friendships, if you don’t have money you’re a bum. We live in a society that uses money as a social status. Your social status should not be determined by the money in your pocket but be determined by the purity in your heart, your kindness to others. Money runs this country not love or hope or even belief, because money is power and people are power hungry animals. I love how I can walk into Goodwill and be treated like I’m a part of a community but I walk into Hollister or expensive places and get looked at like an outcast. I’m truly amazed by how upside down our world is. I don’t know who my true friends are or if I have any, but what I do know is even if they are using me for the money I give them, it only seems fair that I’m pulling from the happiness they give me. If happiness is what matters in life then I need to make others happy to keep me happy.

